This is probably the most serious blog that I've ever written. It may very well be the most serious blog I'll ever write. I'm writing this one out of the depth of my heart, my soul, my mind, and my spirit. I'm troubled. I'm really troubled and writing this blog allows me the opportunity to confront and release.
I've never been interested in following politics. At least not until 2008. Sure, I've voted in the past, watched a few speeches in the past, and wore campaign buttons in the past. The difference was that I really didn't care if my candidate won or not. After all, a politician is a politician and they all think alike right? I mean, they all promise you milk and honey but deliver crackers and water don't they?
I've never paid much attention to Democrats or Republicans. Oh sure, I know they have opposing views on issues such as abortion, taxes, gay marriages, the role of government, etc. I've always known that. But I chose a candidate on how he looked--his image. I didn't care if he was Republican, Democrat or the two-headed freak
Republicrat or
Demoblican. If the guy looked sincere, sounded sincere, and acted as though he really cared about my general welfare, he had me. I went to the polls, voted for him, pinned on the "I voted" button, and returned home to await the next election cycle. That simple.
But politics turn a drastic turn for me in 2008. Hillary Clinton was running for President. Wow! A woman and someone I genuinely liked. I loved Bill Clinton as President. Bill was smooth and he could play that saxophone! Bill was
likable, he seemed to be concerned for the welfare of all Americans. To me, it didn't get any better than Bill and Hillary Clinton. So guess what? I threw my whole support behind the former First Lady. A woman would be more willing to listen and not throw testosterone or testicular fits. She would reason and not be hasty. She would balance the budget with ease. She would stand before foreign dignitaries with grace and power. She would be reluctant to declare war but rather compromise and make the two parties shake hands and be friends. You know, like all moms do. But then something happened. A subtle, gentle breeze blew in this Senator from Chicago. He flashed a million dollar, winning smile and a mind so brilliant that Einstein could be sent to a special education class.
Who is this guy attempting to steal the Clinton's thunder? Who is this handsome black guy with the beautiful black family? What makes this dude think that he can possibly do what Jesse Jackson couldn't do? Become President? Yeah, right. I didn't like him. I'd read all the rumors on the net about his religion (
Muslim), his heritage (Kenyan), and his ties to colorful characters like Tony
Rezko and Bill Ayers.
Hmmm. He's cool and all, but he can't beat my girl Hillary. Go Hillary!
I rejected everything about Barack Obama. His name was goofy and sounded
american. His ears were big. He was from Hawaii. Is that really part of the United States? Hillary did well for a while. But then she made the ultimate mistake in my opinion. She cried. She cried when she lost the Iowa
caucus. Now, my mind began to change. She can't cry or become emotional as President. God, how would that be perceived by those tyrants and despots like the leaders of Iran, North Korea, and Iraq? They would have her for dinner and use her bones for toothpicks.
I turned a slow, reluctant ear towards this guy from Chicago. He was fighting an uphill battle. I still didn't like him a whole lot but I did find him interesting. The media and most Americans swore that he couldn't win. "America would rather have a white woman than a black man in the white house" I'd hear often. Yet, he continued on. He was loaded with information and armed with deep knowledge of American politics. He was for real. He was undeterred and completely focused. Mud was thrown at him frequently. He would wipe it off and smile at the
slingers, promising to be a President to all--even those who dirtied his clothes.
I began to thaw. The Jeremiah Wright thing had to be the ultimate Obama-killer right? Sorry, that was wrong. It only proved to be a temporary distraction. His momentum continued and his supporters grew. I was becoming a puddle of water. This guy was winning me over. Why? I-m-a-g-e. He began to look quite presidential and I began to envision him in the oval office. I'm getting to the whole embarrassed by Republicans, Democrats are Christians too issue. Bear with me here. I told you that this is going to be a serious blog.
I'm not necessarily anti-Republican or pro-Democrat. As I mentioned before, the guy with the best image got my vote. But the Republicans today, particularly those of the conservative bunch, are making fools of themselves in many ways. I am extremely embarrassed by those representing the Republican party. Who could possibly be proud of Rush Limbaugh? Sean
Hannity, Bill
O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich or Michael Steele? You don't have to be an Obama supporter to be respectful of the office. I have never in my life seen such blatant disrespect for a Commander-in-Chief as I've seen towards this President. As a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, it is a despicable thing to witness. And no, George W. was not treated this horribly!
aforementioned bunch, bombard the airwaves with misleading information, half-truths, and outright lies. The bitterness and hatred that they have for President Obama causes them to go into these rants of insanity, complete with swollen veins and bulging eyes. They oppose each and everything that the President does with no forethought. Cheney and Gingrich didn't speak this much when they were relevant! Cheney needs to shut his pie hole, Gingrich needs to seek therapy, Limbaugh needs to become the "biggest loser," and Steele, well, he needs to research the word "token." I'm sure he'll find his name right next to it. No one, not even those in his party, really respects this guy. They thought he'd be the answer to Obama to stop his momentum but they quickly learned that Steele was way out of his league.
These guys are so deprived of political oxygen that they're flailing around like fish out of water. Who can take them seriously? They appear (and remember my position about image) incompetent, unsure, disjointed and divided. At this point they couldn't lead a team of toddler ball players. It certainly doesn't help that they constantly oppose the President without cause.
Regarding abortion and homosexuality, I oppose both. Yes, this liberal democrat is against abortion and homosexuality. Why? Because they are both biblical no-nos. Conservatives want to scream and holler about their religious beliefs when it comes to homosexuals. But they're forgetting one important thing. If they read the bible they'll see where it is already written: Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that
recompense of their error which was meet." This scriptures let's me know that homosexuality is a reality and that consequences as a result will come. My point? Although homosexuality is indeed wrong, it is a choice to be made by
individuals. So many want to point to the "founding fathers and constitution" to bolster their arguments about what should and should not happen in America. But choice is something that comes along with freedom. And at last check, people in this country are free to choose.
Even God himself does not make man serve him. Instead, he gives man choices and hopes that he makes the right decisions. Consider these scriptures: “
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19)
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)
“Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.” (Proverbs 3:31)
“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17) (If we had no choice, then knowing to do good would necessarily result in doing good.)My point here is that homosexuality is indeed a choice and not a freak occurrence at conception and with that being the case, the President or no one else has the authority to tell these folks what they can do with their individual liberties. It is God's job to judge and He will do just that. Some Republicans are now directing their hostility, bitterness, and rage at President Obama's choice for the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor. They have gone as far as call her a bigot and racist based on a comment she made years ago that was taken out of context. Rush Limbaugh took this one and ran. Well, he probably trotted because his big frame certainly can't handle running. Newt Gingrich added his unsolicited "two cents," and Pat Buchanan, the old gentlemen who really needs to get a clue, verbally attacked her as well. Do these Republicans know that the general public is watching them and concluding that "Insanity in the Ranks" is their slogan and the straight jacket their new symbol?I'm embarrassed by the GOP. It is one thing to try and become relevant and respected again. It is quite another to try and do so by any means necessary. The American public is smart enough to identify a game, gimmick, plot or ploy. We won't have our minds manipulated or intelligence insulted. There are many well-respected Republican politicians in Washington, DC and around the globe. It would behoove the party to hunt one, tie him up, and thrust him kicking and screaming before the public if they want to become real contenders and party of relevance. AfterThoughts Signing Off...