Monday, April 27, 2009

Okay, Now I'm Mad!!

I like to think of myself as an even-tempered individual; in control and slow to anger. And on most days and in most situations I am. Really, I'm not kidding. I'm the coolest, calmest, "flying-under-the-radar" person you ever want to meet. To know me is to love me. You see, I'm a thinker. A deep thinker. I look at people and situations objectively. I look for the positives first and if it fails me, I have no other choice but to look at the negative. But even in the negatives I look for the most positive. I try to look positively at any negative person or situation--hoping to find something acceptable. And in many cases, I have succeeded.

This past Saturday, April 25, 2009, I had the pleasure of an on-air interview with Mr. Joseph C. Phillips, an actor from the hit series, "The Cosby Show." You know him. Lt. Martin Kendall, Denice's husband, Olivia's father. Let me say that I'm not very fond of Republicans. Sorry. I'm not. They have not shown themselves friendly or at all concerned about minorities. However, Mr. Phillips is the exception. I contacted him for an interview because I was curious about his political affiliation. He is an unapologetic Conservative Republican. The most fascinating thing about him is that unlike so many other "black conservatives," Mr. Phillips effectively articulated his position and beliefs. Unlike so many other "black conservatives," Mr. Phillips highlighted the role of Republicans in the emancipation of slaves, during the civil rights era, and right up to our modern time versus the oppositional role taken by Democrats. Sounding more like a history teacher than commentator, he laid out his case. And quite well might I add. With that said and kudos being given to my guest, I'll tell you why I'm mad.

I fully understand that in this big, powerful country known as the United States of America, there are many freedoms. One of them being freedom of the press. Now, the First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." In a nutshell, the First Amendment is about basic freedoms. It protects freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, and freedom to petition the government. But should First Amendment protection shield dangerous behavior? Should it be a safe haven for criminal actions? Should its protections be a license and free pass to utter hateful rhetoric that carries the potential to cause physical harm to others? Let me be more specific.

Fox News, a network of bitter, divisive, moronic, insane, mentally-challenged, racist, ranting, raving, lying, certified fools, make it a daily habit to saturate the airwaves with their "Obama-hating" venomous commentary. When that commentary carries the potential to cause the physical harm or maybe even death of another human being, then that First Amendment protection should become invalid.

In Okaloosa, Florida, two Sheriff Deputies were shot and killed by a man who had argued with his wife over acne medication and physically attacked her. The wife called 911 from the hospital. The Deputies found the suspect at a gun club and after resisting arrest, he was tasered. The suspect responded by firing at the officers, killing both. He was consequently shot and killed by other law enforcement officials. His wife reported that her husband felt that the government was "conspiring against him" and that he was deeply disturbed by Barack Obama's election. In Pennsylvania a few weeks ago, four officers were shot and killed by a young man who felt that President Obama was going to take his guns away. Where did these people get this information? Let me answer. FOX NEWS!! Glenn the Grotesque Beck, Bill the Clueless O'Reilly, and Sean the Deranged Hannity come before the American public each night with half-truths and outright lies in order to cast the most negative light on the President. They have spoken some of the very words on air that these killers spoke.

Fox News commentators and pundits are feeding stinking, rotting garbage to uninformed, uneducated, racist receptacles on the right and the result is hatred. It is time for censorship. It cannot be lawful for a "mainstream" media outlet to promote such hatred and bigotry without consequence. It seems that the Federal Government, FCC, or some other monitoring agency would investigate these idiots. I'm mad about the fact that they can shoot off their big mouths and hide like spineless cowards behing the constitution. Sorry Joseph Phillps. I think you're wonderful but many in your party are the equivalent of a dung pile.

AfterThoughts Signing Off...

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